woensdag 18 december 2013

Small disorder news

Attack on the construction sites of Power – State and Capital are continuously constructing to adapt the environment to the needs of control and exploitation. From new transport axes for the economy, over offices buildings to prisons and new industrial sites: the cancer is now everywhere. In Charleroi, some surgeons used their incendiary scalpel to cut out two tumors: two construction site engines were destroyed by fire.

Communication interrupted – Around midnight, a big telecommunications installation in Koningslo, north of Brussels, was destroyed by arson. It seems fire has been put to the cables of the installation; flames went up 50 meters high. Firemen spent several hours to put out the fire. The arson interrupted telecommunications of the operators Base and Mobistar on the entire area of Neder-over-Hembeek, Vilvorde and Haren. The installation included also antennas for the 3G network. Damage is quite big: disturbances are said to continue for several months. One of the veins which are feeding the system, the telecommunications, was thus cut.

Incendiary vengeance – A police car was burned in front of the police station of Mortsel. Officers assisted the scene, seeing helplessly how their work instrument went up in flames. Two years ago, a youngster was beaten to death in the cell of this police station. Another fire attack against this station occurred just after the family of the youngster released the video footage of the killing inside the station; this attack was, of course, silenced by Power.

Cutting industry rather than trees – In the area of Dinant, a truck and a van belonging to the same company of forest exploitation were put on fire and destroyed. Recently, another forest cutting vehicle of another company was attacked with fire. It seems that, since permits were given to transform even more forest into industrial wood production sites, opponents are attacking directly those responsible for the environmental destruction.

As long as there will be money… those who fight this world based on power and finance will continue to directly attack its concrete incarnations. In Louvain, unknown persons broke the entrance of a bank and ravaged the interior.

Translation of "Brèves du désordre 40", Hors Service 40, September 12th, 2013
By ContraInfo